We make sure that the inside and outside of your beautiful home will be painted professionally. Our expert interior painters are eagerly waiting to get started. Free quotation and consultation is available, make sure to give me a call to get your property painted.

Exterior / Interior Painting Experts

Professional Interior / Exterior Painters Dublin


Our Painting Service

Our interior painting service is always done by masters of the craft, our professional team has years and years of putting paint onto walls in a working environment, sanding and cleaning all walls before painting the interior of any building, and even though 1 coat would typically be enough, we make sure and do a double coat on all type of surfaces with sanding in between coats. ATRenovations have over 12 years experience in painting all types of houses, gyms, schools and buildings in general, so we can guarantee a quality job to be done for you.

Exterior Painters in Dublin

ATRenovations offer exterior painting in Dublin along side interior. This type of painting is usually doen on the outsde of a home or apartment. It can include things like houses, fences, gates, roads ect ect. Having the exterior of your home being painted regularly is important since the paint acts like a protective layer to the surface which is painted and once this layer of protection is not there, many problems can arise, such as rust, swelling or moisture getting into the house. To avoid these problems, get your property painted with us today.


We are just one call away. Give us a call today!

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Home Painting Exterior

House Exterior Painting

What to watch out for when painting your home.

Painting is a skilled profession which usually needs to be done correctly to avoid problems in the near future. If you choose to do some house painting in Dublin by yourself, then we will share some tips and tricks that we have picked up during that past years working in the trade.

Pick your roller before starting any work. There are many different types or rollers available which come in different shapes and sizes so make sure to pick the once suited for the surface that you are planning to paint. When painting, make sure to keep your roller loaded 50% at all times to avoid any color disturbance.

Mix your paint before starting the job, you can just dump all your paint buckets of the same color into one large paint bucket. This will prevent your paint turning into different shades when you open a new bucket.

Interior / Exterior Painting

Painting Technique

Painting Technique is essential to get right when you paint. The most effective technique is painting from top to bottom and left to right, this will ensure you get all the area covered with an even amount of paint. When starting a new stroke , make sure that at least half of your loaded roller will be overlapping the previous stroke.

Choose the correct paint for your project. Also make sure to read the reviews about the paint before buying it as this is extremely important. Make sure that your paint is suitable for your type of surface, do not buy floor paint for a wall or ceiling as this will be disastrous which has been done many times by newbie painters in Dublin.
Clean the wall before starting, as a dirty wall will not let your paint stick on the wall properly. You can easily clean the wall with a moist cloth, but make sure to let it dry before painting on it. Remove any items from the wall which could be in the way when painting, like alarm boxes, old nails and old paint. Try to sandpaper away as much of it that you possibly can, as painting over old scabby paint will most likely make your new paint not stick on the walls properly.

Painting Technique Interior

Why Choose

Why choose our painting service for your interior & Exterior?

Quality materials

Paint Textures

ATRenovations has the most stunning paint textures you will see. We have specific paint for different types of interior or exterior surfaces.

Award winning

Double coat

Since we have been working with many different Buildings in Dublin for so long, we know that 2 coats of paint will work best most of the time.


Professional team

We have one of the best interior painting teams in Dublin. All of our staff are high trained and have many years of experience in painting houses.

Our Gallery

Some of our previous Interior / Exterior Painting work

Professional Interior / Exterior Painters Dublin

Get your Interior / Exterior Painting Quote in Dublin

Getting the inside and outside of any home painted should be on the top of your to do list. If you choose to go with our service, we will provide you with a free consultation and give you a free quote regarding your project.

Why should you paint your home?

Having a freshly painted home is important because paint is like a protection layer over the surface that you are painting. If a surface is painted badly, it will most likely only last for about 3 years, but if a house is done by ATRenovations, there is a high chance that your paint job will last a lifetime. Its also important to choose a good color to suit your surface area, if you have a hard time deciding which color to paint your house in, our Dublin painters will be more than happy to help you out.


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