House Painting Service in Dublin
With our professional house painting service, you can expect to have a beautiful home inside and outside in no time. We have professional house painters working with us to deliver high quality results. If you would like to have your home painted with us, then make sure to drop us a message or give us a call today.
House Painting
Types of house painting that we do
We Paint
Single detached house
One of the most painted house at ATRrenovations is the single detached home painting. This type of job would typically be carried out during the daytime by our professional team of house painters Dublin..
We Paint
At ATRenovations one of our favourite buildings to work with is apartments. We do all the work including decorating and painting the inside and the outside of apartments in Dublin. If the inside of your apartment needs to be painted, we can do it in a time frame that you give us to complete the job, so that it does not disturb you.
We are just one call away. Give us a call today!
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We Paint
Bungalows are nice and easy to paint, so we love them! We will drive out to any bungalow that needs to be painted either inside or outside. Bungalows are usually cheaper than 2 story detached homes, so don’t waste any time and give us a call for bungalow house painting.
We Paint
Hotels are another one of our specialties. When we have a hotel job, we would typically do this when its not too busy, so that your staff and customers are not disrupted. Painting at such a large scale can also be done when your hotel is off-season, but as you know in Ireland, everyday is off-season here, So we would do this type of job in the time preferred by you.
Why Choose
Why choose us to fix your bathroom?
Our Experience
Our team has a bunch of experience in fixing and repairing bathrooms in Dublin. We are experienced and affordable.
Fair Pricing
Our company has a fair pricing policy which allows all home owners get their bathrooms fixed or renovated.
Efficient Team
ATRenovations team is highly qualified and efficient at renovations. Each team has a specific job to do which makes us efficient.
House painting services from expert painters
Do you need a new paint job for your home or a property that you own? Painting houses can be a long and tedious task which requires patience, experience and hard work. If you need to get your house looking better, make sure you follow the steps below to make sure you get the right job done for your money.
Pick a House Painter
Pick a house painter that you can trust and has lots of experience in this field, you can easily know if a painter is a professional or not when you ask him or her to see some previous work the they have done in the past. If they can show you a good few photos of their previous houses painted and they fit your standards, then its a good choice to let them work on your project.
Pick the Amount of Paint Coats
Pick the amount of paint coats needed for your property, or you can discuss this with your painter, since he will more than likely know the amount of coats that are needed for your type of surface. Since all surfaces are different, your home might require from 1 – 3 paint coats if it is deemed necessary.
Get a Quote
Get a Quote from a couple of house painters and compare their prices, but make sure that they are reputable and show their previous work experience. Also when getting a quote from any painter, make sure that you discuss what will be included in the quote, like will the quote cover all materials and paint which are needed to finish this job.
Choose the Paint Yourself
Choose the paint yourself when starting a painters Dublin project, this is usually the best option, since you can only really paint your house once, and if a bad color is chosen, you’re then in trouble, so make your paint color and type of paint before even calling a painter, of course any painters in Dublin can pick the paint for you, but its always safer to pick yourself as everyone has their own opinions.
State You’re Expectations
State you’re expectations when getting a quote or talking with a home painters company, so that they can get you a more accurate quote for the job. Just stating the amount of paint coats needed might not be enough, so you will have to think about things like,does the painter need to sand down the previous paint job? does the home painter need to remove objects on walls? are the walls clean and ready to be painted on?. All of these play a big role in the quote price and the painters will get a much better understanding of what type of job is require for them to do.
Wanna Hire a Painter?
Get A Free Home Painting Quote
If you would like to get your house painting done, please send a quote request to us, or you can contact our Dublin painters at 016274717. For us to get a better and more accurate quote for you, please describe with some detail about the job required, include how many coats of paint needed, materials required, what type of property is needed to paint in Dublin.
Why is it important to hire painters?
Getting your house painted is one of the most important things that you should do during any type of house renovations in Dublin. Hiring a painter can sometimes be a struggle as there are many different ones out there each offering unique services. With our home painting services, you can be sure to get a quality job done for a decent enough price.