Indoor Painting Tips..

Use these tips next time when you decide to do some indoor paint job, in this article, we will list and go through the top indoor painting techniques and give you some tips along the way.

painting walls

Painting evenly with wet roller.

When you are painting an interior wall, you will typically be using a roller. It seems easy to paint a wall,but even the best of us can mess this up. Usually the mistake of painting with a roller until the roller dries up is made by new painters, When the roller dries up, the layers of paint can build up because you partly painted some part of a wall and it quickly dried up, then when you paint over that section with a wet roller, it doubles the layer and you get uneven paint layers like that. A good rule to keep while painting walls in Dublin is to always keep your roller 50% wet at all times and when re-dipping the roller into wet paint, make sure to start from that wet side and continue moving with each stroke up and down.

paint roller

Avoid Paint Mis-Match

Make sure that you have enough paint with you before starting any type of paint work first of all, and keep in mind that paint can be different by the slightest shade in cans of paint under the same name, so it is best practice to mix all your paint together in a large paint bucket or bowl before starting your diy paint job.

painting buckets

Cut the masking tape after paint is dry.

When you finish a paint job, you might be eager to cut the trim off straight away. That is known as bad practice, a good technique developed by our professional painting team is to let the paint dry for up to 24 hours and then not pull the tape, because when the paint dries, it forms a layer between the masking tape and the wall, so you should cut the tape instead, and then you can pull it off from the wall at a 45 degree angle.

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painters tape

Wash your paintbrush after use.

It is extremely important to clean after yourself when painting, especially your paintbrushes, if a paintbrush is not cleaned properly, once it dries up, it becomes useless, here is a video which will help you keep your paintbrushes clean in the future.

Clean you paint area.

If you want to avoid bumps, dents and uneven parts of your painting, make sure to prepare your workspace before you start working, in this case by cleaning your walls and making sure to remove all nails, dirt, and old peeling off paint. 

dirty wall

Fix the wall before painting

Before starting to paint, make sure your wall does not have any dents or old nail holes in it, if your wall has any of that, make sure to fix it up, you can easily do this by using cement putty and sanding after it fully dries.

wall putty

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